Please remember to add your new wiki to our Moved wikis.
Anti-Wikia Alliance
- All ShoutWiki wikis can have the Monaco skin, see this announcement. You can also add the Monaco skin to your wiki in 10 minutes. (detailed instructions • discussion and questions)
- Left Wikia? Please remember to add your new wiki to our list of forked wikis.
- Please visit the Monaco help Wiki.
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A skin changes the look and feel of a site without changing its core features.
Monaco and Monobook were the skins before Wikia. "Wikia" (nicknamed Oasis) is a new mandatory skin on Wikia/FANDOM which was instituted sitewide on November 3, 2010 and May 25, 2018, despite massive objections.[1] Another new skin, FandomDesktop, was launched on June 2, 2021. As of June 13, 2021, it is currently opt-in, but it will become mandatory later on.
After the Wikia Staff failed to compromise, the purpose of the Anti-Wikia Alliance changed - primarily to help editors transfer their site from Wikia, and secondly to create a forum where Wikia editors to discuss how the skin changes affect them. Comments are welcome.
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhere do I go if I leave Wikia?There are plenty of wiki farms out there, as well as independent wikis that welcome new users. Host your wiki independentlyHosting a wiki on your own is a huge responsibility. It also costs money, and you need some knowledge to run a web server. However, it gives the most freedom. MediaWiki is free and open source, and you can set it up on a server. See's main page for more information. You'll need to export all the contents from Fandom and import it on the new wiki. There's a suite of scripts called Grabbers that will help you with that. But please, don't be alone and ask for advice and support to any independent wiki. There are a lot of nice persons running independent wikis out there that may provide you with advice and help setting up your wiki, or even host the wiki for you if you don't have the technical skills to host it on your own. See also:
Public wiki farmsYou can also host your wiki on a different wiki farm. This will free you and your community from the burden of maintaining the software and servers. However, a wiki farm may have the slight chance of being acquired by Fandom, causing your wiki to return to Fandom again. This has happened before, with the acquisition of Gamepedia. Also, some farms may give you more or less control about deleting the wiki if your community decides later to be hosted on a different host. Note that transferring the contents from Fandom to another wiki farm may be challenging. Ask for support to the staff of the wiki farm. This system was devised by members of the AWA community and constitute the opinion of AWA users. Subjective ratings content in this graph are not necessarily the opinions of ShoutWiki or its affiliates.
For skins offered, and details on how to move to these farms, see wikifarm. How do I host my wiki on another site other than ShoutWiki?