From the group that combats the Wikia skin, the Anti-Wikia alliance.
- Overview
- Specify values for any of these parameters just as you would for an attribute in any standard HTML tag. viz.
<widget param1=value1 param2="value2 with spaces">WidgetID</widget>
- Each section heading is also the WidgetID.
- Example
- Suppose you defined at User:Najevi/DemoWidget a custom WikiPage widget. To display that custom widget in a wiki article or blog/forum post use:
<widget source="User:Najevi/DemoWidget">WikiPage</widget>
- Renders as
<widget source="User:Najevi/DemoWidget">WikiPage</widget>
- Note that the standard widget skin (or frame) is not displayed when widget tags are used to embed the widget within an article.
- For an explanation of the red-links see that widget's doc sub-page.
ActiveTalkPages[edit source]
- limit
- type=integer
- default=10
- range=1-50
- OoR=15
AncientPages[edit source]
- limit
- type=integer
- default=10
- range= 1-50
- OoR=10
Contribs[edit source]
- limit
- type=integer
- range= 1-50
- OoR=10
EditedRecently[edit source]
- limit
- type=integer
- default=5
- range= 1-50
- OoR=15
ProblemReports[edit source]
- limit
- desc=how many do you want to show
- type=integer
- default=25
- range=1-50
- OoR= 25
- show
- desc=which type of reports to show in this widget
- type=integer
- values
- 0 -> all (default)
- 1 -> closed
- 2 -> need staff help
- pr_table_problem_type
- desc=which TYPE of report to show
- type=integer
- values
- -1 -> all (default)
- 0 -> spam
- 1 -> vandal
- 2 -> content
- 3 -> bug
- 4 -> other
- pr_raports_from_this_wikia
- desc=show from this wiki or ALL wikias
- type= checkbox
- values=
- 0 -> unchecked aka ALL wikis
- 1 -> checked aka THIS wiki only (default)
NeedHelp[edit source]
no widget params
pulls from MediaWiki:Needhelp
RecentChanges[edit source]
- limit
- desc=how many items to show
- type=integer
- default=10
- range=1-50
- OOR=15
- hidebots
- desc=bots, to show or not to show, that is the question
- type=checkbox
- values=
- 0 -> SHOWS bot edits in widget
- 1 -> HIDES bot edits in widget (default)
Referrers[edit source]
- wt_show_referrers
- desc= show internal/external sites
- type=integer
- values=
- 0 -> 'Show also internal urls'
- 1 -> 'Show only external urls' (default)
- limit
- desc= how many to show
- type=integer
- range= 10-30
- OoR= 25
- wt_show_period
- desc= how far back to go
- type=string (in the format of Ymd, aka YYYYmmdd)
- -1 month from today (default)
- -3 months from today
- -6 months from today
note, this widget may have problems being embedded, dues to its dynamic date range parameter (unless you don't use it)
ShoutBox[edit source]
- limit
- type=integer
- default=5
- range=1-50
- OoR=5
Slideshow[edit source]
- show
- desc=which mode of widget to use
- type=integer
- values=
- 1 -> 'newest images' (default value)
- 2 -> 'random images'
- 3 -> 'from list'
If set to show=3, people with the right 'wteditimagelist' (sysop and staff), will see a link to the MediaWiki page where it pulls that list from, MediaWiki:WidgetSlideshowImages
The format of this page is this *File_name.ext description with spaces
- filename cannot have spaces (use underscores), invalid lines ignored
- first space on a line is used as the delimiter between filename and desc
- description is shown on mouse over of image
- limit
- desc=how many to cycle through (ignored if show=3)
- type=integer
- default=10
- range= 4-50
- OOR=15
Tips[edit source]
no widget params
Pulls from MediaWiki:Tips
format for page: no leading dot, just 1 blank line between each tip
this is the first tip this is the second tip this is the 3rd tip
TopContent[edit source]
- at
- desc=which section is shows as default
- type=string
- values=
- most_visited (default)
- most_popular
- newly_changed
- highest_ratings
See also
- Featured - Special:Top/most visited
- Most popular - Special:Top/most popular
- Newly changed - Special:Top/newly changed
- Highest ratings - Special:Top/highest ratings
WikiPage[edit source]
- source
- type=string
- desc=the name of the source page where you defined your widget (namespace is required, e.g.
for main namespace) - default: MediaWiki:widgetwikipage (e.g. if the source parameter isn't set)
- The default contents of MediaWiki:widgetwikipage come from w:c:messaging:MediaWiki:widgetwikipage
- Admins can edit MediaWiki:widgetwikipage to have better default instructions on how to setup their widget.