From the group that combats the Wikia skin, the Anti-Wikia alliance.
This article describes the original Monaco skin.
Some information is not applicable to the Dantman`s Monaco skin. (Details).
This page compares the feature sets of the Wikia Monobook and Monaco skins.
Several features on Wikia are exclusive to the latest skin, Monaco.
General skin features[edit source]
Max logo size
Box/vertical, 135 x 155px
Box/horizontal, 216 x 155px
Content area width
Sidebar widgets
Flyout navigation system
Prominent search box
Top banner with re-organised personal and Wikia links
Page bar tabs/links represented with icons
Community widget with last two edits and personal links
Navigation customization[edit source]
Customization guides
Help:Customizing Monobook
Help:Customizing Monaco
Ease and flexibility of customization (with guide)
Multiple premade skins available
Jade (green) theme available
Image independent for skin customization
How to design site-wide custom dark themes without causing problems for light themes of that skin (e.g. [[1]])
Design code in Common.css, custom dark skin in MW:Monobook.css. Users can import light skin CSS.
Design code in Common.css, custom dark skin in MW:Monaco.css. Users choose not to use custom skin from prefs.
Other benefits of Monaco, from Wikia measurements:
- Users find content easier using fly-out menus - less people leaving after looking only at the main page.
- More editors - people finding deep content are more likely to edit than just read.
From [2], on the usefulness of the Community widget:
"On Muppet Wiki in the last month, 1,404 anonymous readers logged in using the button in the Community box, 1,539 anon readers clicked the "more..." button to go to Recent changes, and 1,287 clicked on article links that they saw in the Latest Activity area. Those are readers who may not have been engaged with the site if they hadn't seen the activity going on in the Community box. On the other hand, logged-in contributors only clicked in the Community box 350 times. It's not designed for us; it's for the 91% of anons."